10 Jan 2020 Why Take The Risk? WatchGuard Never Sleeps
Why Take The Risk? WatchGuard Never Sleeps.
I often have discussions around why a firewall is necessary for any deployment, with the most common response being “We’re just a small company” or “It won’t happen to us” however below is a small sample of the attacks our WatchGuard firewall saw on Christmas Day and Boxing Day.
This is just a small snippet of the most basic security features WatchGuard can offer, there’s a vast amount more these powerful devices can offer as part of the Total Security Suite.

IPS Attack Map
The majority of IPS attacks were from North America

Botnet Attack Map
The majority of the Botnet attacks came from Eastern Europe and Asia

The question to ask yourself is, does your current solution show you the types of attacks listed above? Or, more importantly, can it adequately protect you from these attacks?
Do you still think you’re secure and protected? This goes to show that attackers never sleep and luckily for us neither does our WatchGuard Firewall.
All the imagery seen above is taken directly from our WatchGuard Firewall via the Cloud portal where you can view all logs captured within the past 30 days securely, for free.
Author: Alex Claro (Solutions Architect at Purdicom)
We hope you’ve found this post useful and informative. For more information on anything related to firewalls, WatchGuard or security, please contact us on +44 (0) 333 1212 100 or email sales@purdi.com