Network Security: Firewalls

Cyber-attacks grab headlines almost daily. Monitor, control and secure your network and establish your barrier between your trusted internal network, and the external world.

It’s important to have best-in-class wireless technology, but it’s even more important to ensure that your technology and the entire network is secure. Firewalls add a layer of network security that ensures you’ll be protected from external malicious attacks. They’re no longer a ‘nice to have’ device in your network. We believe a Unified Threat Management (UTM) appliance delivers the very best elements of security services and needs be part of your complete solution.

A traditional firewall prevents malicious users from accessing your network, however a UTM will scan all incoming files and packets to protect the network against spyware, viruses, malicious apps and data loss prevention. Even looking for ransomware, botnets, advanced persistent threats, and zero-day malware. Any of these security risks could seriously harm your business and a superior network security solution will scan and address all aspects. Securing and future-proofing your network.

Industry Leading Firewall Technology

Access Policies

Firewalls use access policies to identify and filter different types of data protocols to enable them to control which policies or protocols the protected devices can use.

Hardware vs Software

Hardware appliances such as a table-top or rackmount are physically connected to your network, whereas a software firewall, such as a Cloud appliance protects your Virtual servers hosted in AWS/Azure or a Virtual appliance for those who need unlimited throughput.


A closed firewall where all networks connections are automatically denied, unless there’s a specific rule applied to allow the connection.

Centrally Manage

Whether you have one or thousands of firewalls, either hardware or software, they can all be managed from one central online management software.


Firewalls sits at the core of your network, protecting your entire ecosystem from advanced threats through sophisticated layers of security.


Firewalls come in a range of different Fireboxes to suit the size of your business and users, the protection level required and a price-point for your budget.

Meet Our Firewall Vendor


WatchGuard’s award-winning network security platform provides the complete suite of unified security controls, addressing new and evolving network threats, such as, advanced malware and ransomware. A WatchGuard Firebox is deployed every 4 minutes around the world and WatchGuard offer their firewalls as a physical appliance, or a Cloud firewall, with the same comprehensive suite of defenses that their physical appliances deliver. So, whether you have one or thousands of locations, you can protect your entire environment.

WatchGuard Firebox Network Security Firewall